EFRAT is the largest Jewish organization in Israel dedicated to saving the lives of babies whose mothers feel they cannot carry the pregnancy to term purely for economic reasons. Without your help, these babies would never be born.
By dedicating your generous donation to EFRAT you're protecting a pregnant Jewish mother without means, you are helping to meet the £1,200 needed to provide the baby everything he needs for his first year and you are building for all of us a more just, safer, stronger, and hopeful Israel through creating its own “inner Aliyah”.
Happily, the total number of lives saved by EFRAT-Israel is over 67,000 lives since its inception, a very respectable number considering that EFRAT is a non-governmental organization.
EFRAT’s resources are therefore limited, solely depending on the generosity of individuals who appreciate the value of life.
You are personally invited to join the meritorious work of EFRAT, a vital struggle for the defense of both our people and mankind.
EFRAT is the largest Jewish organization in Israel dedicated to saving the lives of babies whose mothers feel they cannot carry the pregnancy to term purely for economic reasons. Without your help, these babies would never be born.
By dedicating your generous donation to EFRAT you're protecting a pregnant Jewish mother without means, you are helping to meet the £1,200 needed to provide the baby everything he needs for his first year and you are building for all of us a more just, safer, stronger, and hopeful Israel through creating its own “inner Aliyah”.
Happily, the total number of lives saved by EFRAT-Israel is over 67,000 lives since its inception, a very respectable number considering that EFRAT is a non-governmental organization.
EFRAT’s resources are therefore limited, solely depending on the generosity of individuals who appreciate the value of life.
You are personally invited to join the meritorious work of EFRAT, a vital struggle for the defense of both our people and mankind.
EFRAT is the largest Jewish organization in Israel dedicated to saving the lives of babies whose mothers feel they cannot carry the pregnancy to term purely for economic reasons. Without your help, these babies would never be born.
When Mr. Herschel Feigenbaum arrived in Israel in the 1950's after surviving the Holocaust, he understood that our children are our future. In memory of the over one and a half million Jewish children who perished, Mr. Feigenbaum founded EFRAT to increase the Jewish birthrate in Israel.
Since 1977, Dr. Eli J. Schussheim has made Mr. Feigenbaum’s dream a reality. Together with a group of dedicated volunteers and professionals, EFRAT provides thousands of women with accurate information enabling them to make an educated choice. As a result, over 67,000 children are alive today
By dedicating your generous donation to EFRAT, you're protecting a pregnant Jewish mother without means, you are helping to meet the £1,200 needed to provide the baby everything he needs for his two first years of life: crib, sheets, blankets, pillows, bassinette, stroller, towels, diapers, milk, etc. and you are building for all of us a more just, safer, stronger, and hopeful Israel through creating its own “inner Aliyah”.
EFRAT is a non-governmental organization. EFRAT’s resources are therefore limited, solely depending on the generosity of individuals and volunteers, who appreciate the value of life. You are personally invited to join the meritorious work of EFRAT, a vital struggle for the defense of both our people and mankind.
EFRAT is the largest Jewish organization in Israel dedicated to saving the lives of babies whose mothers feel they cannot carry the pregnancy to term purely for economic reasons. Without your help, these babies would never be born.
When Mr. Herschel Feigenbaum arrived in Israel in the 1950's after surviving the Holocaust, he understood that our children are our future. In memory of the over one and a half million Jewish children who perished, Mr. Feigenbaum founded EFRAT to increase the Jewish birthrate in Israel.
Since 1977, Dr. Eli J. Schussheim has made Mr. Feigenbaum’s dream a reality. Together with a group of dedicated volunteers and professionals, EFRAT provides thousands of women with accurate information enabling them to make an educated choice. As a result, over 67,000 children are alive today
By dedicating your generous donation to EFRAT, you're protecting a pregnant Jewish mother without means, you are helping to meet the £1,200 needed to provide the baby everything he needs for his two first years of life: crib, sheets, blankets, pillows, bassinette, stroller, towels, diapers, milk, etc. and you are building for all of us a more just, safer, stronger, and hopeful Israel through creating its own “inner Aliyah”.
EFRAT is a non-governmental organization. EFRAT’s resources are therefore limited, solely depending on the generosity of individuals and volunteers, who appreciate the value of life. You are personally invited to join the meritorious work of EFRAT, a vital struggle for the defense of both our people and mankind.
Contact us EfratFoundationGibBranch@gmail.com
Todos los donativos a la Fundación Efrat España pueden desgravarse en la Declaración de la Renta y así pagar menos impuestos. Lo que dones, reducirá tu liquidación a Hacienda.
Si deseas desgravarte, después de hacer el donativo, envíanos un mail con tu nombre completo, el importe donado, la fecha y tus datos fiscales
Fundación Efrat España
Pº de la Castellana 140
NIF G-86171873
Inscrita en el Registro de Fundaciones del Ministerio de Cultura con el número 1022
por O.M. de 22-11-11 (BOE de 13-12-11)